
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Am I the only one?

They come in all shapes and sizes, colors and ages. They have similar qualities, they are bold, they are desperate in the moment and they seem to always have a compelling story. They are not afraid to ask for what they want or need. I see them in grocery stores, while getting in my car, at my car window, in parking lots, on corners, near exits. They often want the same thing; a quarter, a dollar, bus fare and gas money.

I admire their boldness in a strange way,it must take a lot of courage to ask a complete stranger for money. However, I guess if you put yourself out there, you may actually get what you ask for. I feel like people are ALWAYS asking me though, and at the oddest times.

Take today for example, my boys wanted to watch a movie tonight and have a little treat. We drove to Walgreen's to get a treat and it was supposed to be a quick visit. However, my three year old had other plans and within minutes of entering the store already had an assortment of goods in his hands, that he was certain I should buy for him. I tried to encourage him to just choose one thing, but he was not having that choice. I decided to choose my battle in the moment and just let him think he was getting them all and have the cashier discreetly hide the items I was not buying. He caught on and was upset and didn't want to move from the store... blah blah blah, it was a little dramatic and he eventually came to the car in a fit. I got him in his car seat and proceeded to get in the driver's seat.

As I was closing the door, I heard someone yelling " excuse me!" remember at this time I just wanted to get home, my three year old is throwing a fit in the back and my head is hurting. I open the door again and here is this grown woman with her little girl that looks to be about two or three years old. She says, " excuse me, do you have two dollars so we can catch the bus?" I have to admit I was really irritated by the request and shook my head and closed the door. She was on the sidewalk above the parking lot, just walking by.

It seemed so odd that she was yelling down to me. She walked away and I looked at my purse I looked up and she was watching me and paused when she saw me look at my purse. I backed up and was struggling in my mind and heart. Yes, I did have two dollars. However, why doesn't she? Why did she leave her house if she couldn't get back? Do I have a responsibility to her? I felt tormented. I always feel obligated to give when someone asks me. I don't like doing things out of obligation. I don't like being asked for money by strangers. I don't like being put on the spot. I don't like to say no.

I thought she is so bold to ask. Why would she ask if she didn't need it? It takes a lot to put yourself out there like that. I pulled out the the parking lot and she was already standing hand in hand with her little girl. The light was red, the crosswalk said walk. She and her daughter walked. I didn't have two dollars. I only had a five and ten dollar bill. I pulled out the five, and as she walked passed me in the crosswalk I said " excuse me ma'am, I had to say it loud and a few times. I waived the five out the window, she came and got it smiled and said thanks. I watched her walk, but she didn't seem to be going toward a bus stop. Who knows? Did she really need it? Obviously. For the bus? Not sure. I really don't care what she spent it on. However, I don't like lying or false advertisements.

A few months back I started making my O.H packs, these were my Outside Hospitality packs. I made those to deal with my struggle in this area. They were kind of a middle ground for me. I put some snacks, a bottle of water and a few dollars in ziplock bags and then gave them out when people asked me for money. They worked well. Then I made more.Then I needed some money to make some more (lol) and had to pause on that for a minute. I haven't made any in a while.

I know I have to do something because I feel like I am an " ask her" magnet. I want to have a good attitude when I give to these people who ask me, but I usually don't, because I'm often caught off guard and not thinking about meeting other people's financial needs in the parking lot. So, forgive me, I just struggle in this issues with other humans and the neediness. I'm needy too, but I don't have that same boldness to put it out there like these folks I have met.

I want to either be able to say "no" with a nice conviction, or " yes" with a smile and a good heart. I will ask God to help me. I'm really torn.

I think often of this scripture from the Bible when I am faced with my giving dilemma.

But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”

According to this scripture. As a believer in Jesus, I always have something to give. I want to embrace the giving of life and share my monetary resources when I am able to do so. I also want to share God's love. I have so much to learn and layers of stubbornness for God to work through in my life, but I do want him to do it, at least most of the time. I also would like a  little chunk of the boldness I see in these strangers that are always asking me for money. Some of them may already know the love of  God, and some may not. I know that a reminder is always nice either way.

Lord give me the grace to love and share your love with others. Help me to have a good attitude in the process. Your will be done. Bless the giver and the receiver. Amen!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Cooper

He used to call it his "cooper" and we all knew he was talking about his "scooter", but we thought it was so cute, so we would call it a " cooper" too. Then one day, he called it a "scooter" he actually learned the correct name and wanted to use it. We kept trying to call it a " cooper" cause we still thought it was cute and he only just turned three so he could still use his own made up words for things.

However, he said, " No! It's not a cooper, it's a SCOOTER!" We were a bit taken aback, because well, we wanted to keep saying " cooper", but he set us straight. My little son is growing up, and he wants us to grow up with him. It's funny and cute but it also made me think.

My son didn't realize that he was using the wrong name for his scooter, he really believed it was a cooper, and that was what he wanted to call it. However, one day a little light went on in his brain and it was all clear to him, he had a Scooter! A " cooper" was a "scooter". And, he grabbed the new name and shouted it proudly. We wanted to stop him, because we wanted him to stay cute and little, and for some reason it's fun to talk a little baby talk once in a while (I'm not sure why, but it just is) Anyways, we wanted him, for our sake to hold onto his old name, but he was ready to move on.

I'm sure if we kept calling his "scooter" a " cooper" he would have kept getting annoyed with us. He was certain at this point that it was a scooter. It's possible we could have worn him down and just kept calling it a "cooper" and maybe he would have begun to second guess himself, or just go with the flow for the sake of   keeping everyone happy.

So, I then began to think about myself and others. I began to think about how change is difficult and sometimes shameful because we have to admit that something we thought, or did,  was off base, wrong or didn't really groove with who we are. We all have our own rhythm that we groove to in this life. Sometimes we are dancing to a song that has us way off beat and it's obvious that we need to sit that one out, but we keep on dancing insisting that this is " our song" and that "we do know what we are doing". We can look back at those times and see that we were  misnaming ourselves.

When a person begins to change their rhythm it can sometimes throw others off too. Our little clique, or family gets used to how we do things and they build their rhythm around our rhythm and it's kind of a domino effect. Sometimes those closest to us, can't handle our change, they can't handle that we realize that we were off beat or misnaming things or that we can admit to our foolishness.

It creates a new rhythm and it causes others to have to dance to  your new beat, or with the same power, try to convince you that  your old rhythm was perfect and tell you lies to keep you from messing with their rhytm. Ultimately afraid that your change if going to affect them, and they may have to change as well..

I have had to change my rhythm a lot in life. I have had to adjust to new beats and look back and see myself dancing to some songs I should have sat out on. I know it's been hard for people around me to adjust, but also been good. I often see people wanting to breakout of their old routine, but people around them seem to rush to put them back on the dance floor.

It's selfish of us to stop people from growing, and changing and recognizing their mistakes. However, at the same time, it is very difficult to change, and sometimes it's painful to watch others change, even when it's good, because it makes our rhythm get off beat. It would be wise if we make two rows and let those who need to change their rhythm walk through the " soul train boogie down line of support" and let them dance their way to freedom and new things.

I'm glad my son is growing up, even though it means my youngest isn't really a baby anymore. It's sad for me, and it's also a time of joy. He's coming into his own, he' learning new things, he's making his little decisions and in turn that frees me up a little to do some more things.

In the end we both win, we both get to grow and we both get a little more freedom. I want to be a bridge for those wanting to change, not a dam. Let's keep the music flowing, even if it means we go from R&B to country, Classical to Heavy metal. For every rhythm there is a season.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have missed blogging. It has been too long. In fact I have barely written anything over the last few months. I have been over subscribed. I just spent the last precious fifteen minutes clearing out my email. Over time, I have subscribed to too many things, people, activities, email notifications. I have wanted to unsubscribe for some time, but have been too busy, and honestly the thought of going through each email and figuring out if I wanted to keep the subscription felt like too much work.

However, I just did it, and it was worth every second. I just organized my email and it looks neat, and I may actually be able to respond in a timely manner to a new email. The junk is gone. I can see clearly now, no more credit card, singles (even though I'm married... weird) last chance, weekend only sale-ads popping up on my screen ( well it takes at least 48 hours for some unsubscribing actions to kick-in) but soon enough.

My life is unfocused right now. I need to focus. I want to focus. I don't want to focus. I feel a little torn at times. Sometimes, I want to live in the in-between. The place of I care, and I don't. I want to take huge leaps towards my dreams and goals, and at the same time, I want to lay low and just be.

I am oversubscribed to junk in my life. Things that steal my motivation and keep me from moving in positive directions. I have been over subscribed to excuses, self-pity, complaining, ungratefulness and plenty more. I am choosing to unsubscribe to the things that waste my life. The things that waste my talent. The things that waste my time, energy, and dull my living. I want to pay closer attention to detail,and live in the moment. I want to embrace my life and live it well. I want my heart to burst with love. I want laughter to fill my mouth. I want to see my own dimples in my cheeks more often. Too often my mouth smiles, but my eyes remain the same. A real smile begins with the eyes.

I will admit, it's a struggle. It's much easier to just let things be.Change is difficult. Change, changes things and then the rhythm must be found again. I'm ready to dance to a new beat, my feet have been ready for a while, but my heart has been holding back. I see my " want to" it's hovering above my head, encouraging me to jump for it, and I look down and lo' and behold, I am standing on a trampoline. Who knew? So I jump up and my " want to" embraces me and I cling to it.

Today I begin to live my first day of subscribing to life,and letting the subscriptions of junk be on their way. I will remember that it takes a while for the old to be gone, but I press on, planting flowers, where there once were only weeds. The garden of my soul is being tended too.

Check out your subscriptions in this life and see if you may need a little weeding. Here's a trampoline for your jump, cause your "want to" is right there for the grabbing. God bless your journey.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Meant to last...

It seems every channel I turn to, or every radio station I listen to, has news of tragedy around the world, natural disasters, crime, brokenness on every corner. It makes living in this world rough, and at times depressing. I find hope and sadness in the reality that this world is not all there is. The hope is found in the truth that God created this world, and that he knows how much it can handle, he knows how much we can handle. At times it seems he really tests our limits. If this world was all there was, I would be devastated on a daily basis, but Jesus tells us that this world is not our home, that we are just passing through. I find hope in the truth that God has another place for us, one free of drama.

The sadness comes in the loss of  lives, homes, land, joy, all the things that brokenness and tragedy and natural disasters can steal. The sadness comes in the tears I see streaming down people's faces on the news, or the catch in their throats as they talk about what they have seen. The inability to talk and the look of despair in their eyes when they can only whisper in their hearts what is going on, or can't even begin to find words to capture their experience.

In this crazy -God made world. Even though God made it, sadly it is also subject to brokenness and will not last forever. The only thing, or I should say the only one, who can stand the test of time, who can't be torn down by a hurricane, or blown away by  a tornado, or crumbled by an earthquake... is God. He holds up this world, with tears in his eyes at times, but he still holds us up. To some this world seems void of God and to others, they feel him in the wind. To me, I know he's here and sometimes he seems rough and sometimes he seems as  sweet as a flower, but I know he's here, and he will not abandon us or his world. He is stable, and in that I find hope.

Below is poem I wrote back in 2006 regarding the " Meant to last" quality of God.

Will Not Crumble

The name of the Lord is a strong tower
The righteous run into it and are safe

You, Oh God are a mighty fortress
An ever present help in times of trouble
You stand firm, you do not crumble

You, my Lord are water in the desert
Sun in the winter
Bread for my hungry soul
You stand firm
You do not crumble

You, my sweet, sweet Jesus are like honey to my lips
And oil to my dry flesh
You melt the hearts of men
You are steadfast
You stand firm, you do not crumble

My God is a strong tower
A Mighty fortress
A steady help in times of need
Sweet like honey to my lips
Oil to my weathered flesh
Living water to my thirsty spirit

My Lord is righteous and holy
And willing to love all the day long
My God is faithful and real
And able to stand firm
He does not crumble

My sweet, sweet Jesus is sweeter than sweet
And gentle
And the King of my heart
This world
My life
His universe
And he is here
And always
He is who He is

Charissa Carroll

Sunday, April 24, 2011

For God's Girl

There is someone in my life, someone close to me that I love so dearly. I haven't always known how to show her this love. We have had quite the journey together. I spoke with her today, and learned so many new things about her. In this season and for many seasons of her life, her heart and soul have been heavy with sadness. My heart aches for her, and I really don't know what to do except... what I know to do. I know to pray and encourage and to call forth truth even in the darkest hour. I know God sees, and hears, and loves even in the darkness. You know who you are, and God knows where you are. I tell you today, his grace and his love are enough to satisfy your soul.  You belong to him, you have been bought by the blood of Jesus. I pray that hope would fill your heart and peace would corrupt your mind and truth would liberate your soul and that God's love would be so clear to you this day. I love you. And for anyone else out there struggling. Remember "whose" you are, even when you may not always know "who" you are.

God's Girl

You see, you belong somewhere
And it isn't where you currently reside
I'm not talking about your physical address either
I'm talking about your mind, your heart, your soul
You are loved
But your eyes can't see it
And your heart won't believe it
and your mind can't conceive
that it could possible be true

So you look
and wander
and hover
in dark corners
giving up
and in
to all those things
that call your name
but they don't know you like he does
and they can't see you the way he does
and they can't love you
with that kind of love that sticks
to  your bones
like cornbread
you need some hearty love girl
it's here
pure and real
and lasting
a good piece of love that will never ever
lose it's flavor
stay hungry
stay desperate
long enough
to let
this love
God's love
and quench
and bathe
and liberate
your soul
until you find rest in it
and until
you believe
really believe
a sold out
giving up all I have type of belief
believe that you are truly
and without reservation
no take-backs
for real though
and that you are
by name
God's Girl

Charissa Carroll 4/25/2011

Psalms for Olivia

     My sister Olivia, is still in the hospital. However, the good news is... she is recovering well and should be getting out and coming home on next Wednesday. Please continue to keep her in  your prayers, she still has a bit of an uphill climb ahead of her.  My sister has been through a lot. I remember the first time this brain aneurysm happened to her, we were so scared, and the Doctor's initial reports were not very positive. Back in 2009 when she had her first aneurysm, I wrote these two Psalms for her. They still seem appropriate, because God has remained steady and faithful.
     As Easter is only hours away. I am again reminded of the resurrection of Jesus, his physical one, and the one he has give my sister.  Jesus' resurrection from the grave, gives us all access to  transformation from death to life. He died for us. He lives for us. We are his. In this truth, I rest. In this truth, I live, move, and exist.

Psalm for Olivia

Laugh out loud and cry with me
God has saved me with certainty

He has renewed my mind
Claimed my body in his time

With praise on my lips, I testify
Even though I don't understand why
But I know my God can see
All my life, and all of me

He cares, He knows
He's heard my cry
He knows I want to live
Not die

He's given me a testimony in his name
My life he has reclaimed

Who am I to deserve such a thing
Who am I not to sing
In praise to my King

I magnify you, the Holy One
Amazing things you have done!

For Olivia
Charissa Carroll September 2009

My God 

Who are you, my God who saves
Creating miracles in your own strength

Who are you, my God who hears
Drying and bottling all my tears

Who are you, my God who loves
Freeing my spirit like wild doves

Who are you, my God who heals
In your own way
In your own time
Staying true to your word
To renew my mind

Who are you, my God who sees
My brokenness my misdeeds
My neediness, my hearts desire
My souls ache to acquire
All of you
and less of me
in my human frailty
Yes, you are my God who sees

Who are you, my God who knows
The depth of the ocean
How the human heart grows
and beats
and breaks
and fights to stay awake

Who are you, my God who holds
My broken and weary soul

Who binds me up
With your grace
With a love
Like an embrace

Who are you, my God
My Delight ,who keeps me safe
Through the night
And walks with me in my weary plight
And doesn't get scared or take flight

Who are you, my God
My Soldier always faithful and ready
Geared up, keeping watch, keeping me steady
When I fear, lose sight or forget
My soul declares " He ain't failed me yet"

For Olivia
Charissa Carroll September 2009
(slightly modified 4/23/2011)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little glimpse of heaven

I am honestly a little overwhelmed with life right now. There is a lot going on around me. It seems too many people I care about are hurting and struggling in one way or another. I am not without my own struggles. It's funny though, when someone around you needs you, it's easy to just put your effort for self-improvement on the back burner. I am realizing I can't do that for too long. I need to try and keep the balance of self-care and helping others.

There will always be "so much" to do, but I am trying to just focus on the basics for now, breathing, sleeping, eating and making sure my husband and kids do too. With my sister being in the hospital, I have tried to be up to see her everyday and sometimes I don't get to see her until pretty late each night, since I want to go up without my kids.

My house has been looking really special lately, the dishes have sat a little too long, and the condiments in the fridge had a tad too much breathing room. The kids teeth need a good flossing and the recycling needs to be taken out. Yes, there are two adults in our house and for the time four kiddos, but the adults have each  been a bit overloaded.

After I came back this morning from dropping the kids off at school, I was still feeling overwhelmed, and didn't even want to try and figure out how to tackle the "to do" list. While sitting in my car a moment, I glanced over our front lawn, and it was seriously in need of a good cut. I didn't need to even peek over the back fence, I already knew it was much too overgrown for a simple lawn mower. I tried to think when I could fit cutting the grass in, and the thought made me tired, since I knew I would end up that way, with all the work and being allergic to cut grass.

Needless to say, I didn't want to do it, but it needed to be done. I took my husband to work, went to get coolant for our car, since it was completely dry and tried to find a few things at the store to create Easter Baskets for my kids, although I quickly realized it wasn't the right time for that, when my two year old, wanted everything he saw.

As I drove up to my house, a little glimpse of heaven awaited me. I couldn't believe my eyes, my heart felt light and my mind felt free. I looked around my yard, and it was beautiful, the grass was cut and the edges were trimmed. I just sat there for a moment thanking God.

I believe in God already, but if I didn't, that moment would have proved to me that He existed and loved me. It was a small thing, but  not really.  Across the street from us, lives a great family with seven kids, the husband is a teacher, and they are such kind, giving people, with a great family and a strong faith. The husband is the one who cut our lawn and it was such a needed blessing, my little glimpse of heaven. It's like God saw my " to do" list and said " I got the lawn" and crossed it off my list. It felt like a gift from God, and to me it was.

Thank you Jesus!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Conversations Around Race

Our Church has been having a five week session called " Conversations around race" we met together as a large group and then we broke off into ethnic specific groups to have more discussion. Our last meeting had everyone  together again. Each group gave a summary of what they had talked about and learned. We were asked to answer some specific questions. Our group decided to answer our questions poetically. I gathered everyone's notes and tried to answer our questions in a poetic way, keeping it honest, and hopefully capturing the heart of our conversations.

The questions were:
What was one highlight?
What was one challenge your ethnic group faced?
What is one gift of your ethnic group?
How do you view " Power" in light of the Gospel, and God calling us to be willing to lay our power down at times?
What message would you like to share with your brothers and sisters of different ethnic backgrounds/

Here are the responses.


It was all significant in one way or two
It’s difficult to share only one with you
But to keep to the question
And to help keep the rhyme
The reality is… we had a wonderful time!

The Challenge

I can only speak for me
Although “I” am a “We” and “they”
But individually our opinions range
From “yes” to “no”, to “maybe so”
From I’m not sure are you?
But what I speak today is from all of us
And true

It’s our challenge
The thing we see we need to wrestle and manage
Even when we don’t have all the advantage
We know we have this
Our wits and our sense
The ability to get over the fence
And find a way through
Up down or in between
Travel down roads unseen
Until we…
Well… until we know we are where we need to be

We come in all shades
And we have more in common than we sometimes want to admit
Trials have greatly formed who we are today
And for that…
We are stronger
But we are also dispersed
And at times discouraged

We have plenty of strengths in our community
But also weakness
Often in the form of internalized oppression
And it only adds drama it does not lessen
What is eating us up

We challenge ourselves to rethink ourselves
And to redefine who we really are
Based on standards set by ourselves

We cannot base our ability to be or become
On who we are told we are or who we are not
Growth and truth must first reign supreme in our own hearts

Our challenge is to fight the internal battle
And we are fighting it
Daily we must each speak life to ourselves
And to those around us
We must spread this new propaganda of life giving truth!
And remember who we are
And whose we are…

And reassess our assets
So we know
What we bring
And then bring it with confidence
And in doing so better understand
All the God given ability that lies within

We must remember we are all one with each other
Even though we range in shades of color and tone
And were birthed in different places and homes
And speak languages foreign to some
From the African brother
To the light-skinned African-American mother
Some may try to split us up and claim we are not one
But we don’t want to play that game
It isn’t any fun

We are who we are; we will be who we will be this Negro-African-Black-American multi-faceted family!
Yes, still part of the human race
Although sometimes confused in this crowded American space
We challenge those who desire to conquer and divide
Those who encourage black on black oppression, to lessen our pride
We stand strongly and speak of unity
Not just you… not just me… but we
We desire to stand united
But at times we stand divided
And too often… we stand alone

We began, again during this process of conversations around race to
Cause it’s a daily thing
That we are created in the image of God and we are precious in his sight

We are beautiful
We have wisdom and might
And resilience, and passion
And truth to be shared
And wisdom from those who with burdens did bear
But we must share this with the young in our community
And remind the elders too
And whisper it in the ears of babes
So they grow up hearing the truth
We are in this thing together
The race is not yet won
But if we keep on trekking
We shall overcome


All it takes sometimes is one head nod
And you know
Right then
That you belong
That someone sees you
It’s like a secret handshake
A special language
Without words
And we have it
This instant community
On the street
In the grocery store
At that convention on the other side of town where nobody looks like you
Wherever we are
Where two or more gather
Just give the nod
Get the gift


Clouds have it when they thunder down rain
And the sun expresses it when it warms the earth
God gave it when he breathed his breath into Adam
And he gave it to you and I when we exited the womb
We really have it when we lay it down
And it lasts longer when we manage it well
It’s meant to be shared
No Lording over one another
It’s meant to be laid down
And respected
You have just as much power as I do
My pie may be peach and yours apple
But we both have pies
And we both have something to offer
I will give you a slice of mine
And surely you will share with me too
You might just get hooked
Interested in the recipe?
I want to know your secret too
Tell me, if you will
I am powerful by the grace of God
And we are powerful together
Let’s teeter totter our power
So one of us doesn’t end up always on the ground
We must choose to not abuse
And we must be willing to share
Those things meant for sharing
With love, grace, humility, joy
And sometimes dragging our feet
Unto each other
For the good of all
And for the glory of God
(c) Charissa Carroll 2011


When God made humankind
He said we were good
When God confused languages at the Tower of Babel
I’m sure none of them spoke English and he understood them just fine
God sees us and loves us
He sees our dark skin and boasts of the smoothness
And he sees our brown skin and thinks of chocolate
He sees our yellow skin and is reminded of the sun
And he sees our peachy skin and thinks of summer
He sees our white skin and is reminded of the first snow
But he also sees our hearts
And is reminded of why he died
And our brokenness
And our inability to love one another
Because some of us don’t like summer
Or chocolate
Or we prefer sun over snow
But remember
He knows
And he cares
It is his burden to bear
But by his grace
And by his spirit
And because
He told us to
We must learn to love
Not always like
But give love a try
Like learning to ride a bike
And be okay with falling down
And scraping a knee or two
And when you do
When we do
And we see the blood
Let’s remember
The cross and all that is true
Jesus didn’t die for just you
Or me
He died to set us free
From ourselves and our sin
So that love could win

Charissa Carroll 4/14/2011
All rights reserved (c)  2011 Charissa Carroll

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Did he really say....

Did God ever say that we would not experience trouble, heartache, disappointment, tragedy, death, loss of hopes  and dreams, devastation? Who can be exempt from such things? As of today my sister is in the ICU at the hospital, this is the second time in two years that she has experienced a brain aneurysm. When it happened the first time, the doctors were able to see that she had a genetic malformation in a clump of blood vessels  in her brain. So, we know "why" she had the aneurysm, it's hard though that it has happened a second time. Life is not fair, but who ever said it would be?

When trouble or disappointment or sorrow or loss comes upon us, we often, or at least I do want to find out the "why" of it all. We want to blame someone, point a finger at ourselves or just be angry. There is a story in the bible about a man who was born blind. Some of his disciples wanted to point a finger at someone. They asked Jesus who it was that sinned, the man born blind or his parents. Jesus told his disciples neither this man or his parents sinned, that is not why he is blind. He is blind so that God's glory might be manifested in him.

We do live in a fallen world, even those of us who follow Jesus, we still live in a fallen world. Following Jesus does not make the world heaven all of the sudden. I believe we will still go through the same drama everyone else goes through. We will still experience death, people will still break in our houses, some of us will still get cancer, we will lose our houses, we will experience pain and disappointment just like everyone else in the world. Even in the Bible we are reminded to cast our cares on God, why? because we will have things that overwhelm us. We are encouraged not to worry, why? because there will be things to worry about. We are encouraged to trust in God with all of our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, why? because some of the things we experience will take us for a ride, if we have to rely only on ourselves. Jesus tells us not to worry about what we will eat or drink or wear, why? because he knows there will be times when we are without.

My husband really likes this Christian rap group called  " Cross Movement". They have a song that I like and the chorus basically says " Your born, you suffer, you die, but there's a loophole" The loophole is that we do have to navigate this world in all it's beauty and brutality, but this isn't all there is. There is more, it's eternity with Jesus. In heaven there are no tears, no worry, no death, no suffering, no bills, no lack of anything.

I think Jesus gives us that picture of heaven so we can have assurance that it is different from the world. It gives us hope and something to look forward to. Heaven is heaven, earth is not, and it's not supposed to be.

We have promises given us in the Bible and they are not promises that we will never get sick, or have heartache, or die, or struggle. They are promises that we will struggle, but God will struggle with us. We will have heartache, but God will comfort us. We will experience death, but it's not the end. We will have times when we feel we can't make it and God will hold us up.

This life is not all lollipops and rainbows. There are plenty of things to celebrate in this world that God has created, but there are also plenty of reasons to cry and despair. God is with us. He is with my sister. He sees her now in the ICU. He knows what she needs. He knows we need comfort and we want her to be okay. We trust that God has her.

My trust in God is one that says. " God you are mighty and holy and able to do all things, but you are not a genie and you do not do my bidding or fulfill my every wish." However, you are faithful and loving and you do not treat me as my sins deserve, you are gracious and compassionate. You know things I can't even begin to imagine and you see what I need even if I can't see it. So I trust you God, to lead my life, even when it doesn't make sense. I trust you God to comfort me, when I feel betrayed and lost in this world."

You are a God of your Word and you promise to always be with me, even when I feel lost in the chaos of this place.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dear Japan...

Dear Japan,

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. When I heard about what happened to you, my heart broke. I can't imagine how scary it all must have been, how scary it still is. I am so sorry for the lives you have lost; your mother's, Father's, sister's, brother's, your children, your relatives.

My heart aches for you. I wish I could be there to help. I know things may look and feel  hopeless right now, but be encouraged, the world sees what's has happened. And you will not be forgotten.

I pray that the God of all peace will give  you peace. I pray that the God of all comfort will comfort you. I pray the God of all help will come to your aid. I pray the God of all restoration will restore what has been destroyed. I pray for your protection from the radiation. I pray for provision. I pray for warmth. I pray that all your needs will be met.

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and praying for you. I am not there to offer any aid, but I offer what I can to you today. My prayers and encouragement. Praying for a better tomorrow, praying for a restored Japan.

May God bless you in every way,


Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm guilty...

I think it's easy sometimes to " not do" something and feel very proud of ourselves. It's easy to see someone doing something wrong and pat ourselves on the back because we haven't done that thing. Sometimes  it seems  easier to abstain from things that seem wrong rather than participate in things that seem right.

I'm thinking of the Ten Commandment in the Bible. They tell us what " not to do", but they in the same command also tell us what "to do". We were talking about the Ten Commandments in Sunday school last week with some of the youth at church.

I grew up knowing what the Ten Commandments were and tried to honor them. I never really thought they were much more than rules to remind me of what "not to do." This Sunday, I realized they were more than just rules telling me what not to do, they were also commands of what to do.

I'm thinking specifically of the command  " Do not kill/Murder". I can say with in all honesty that I have never murdered anyone...physically. However, murder/killing is more than just a physical thing. There are plenty of ways to kill without touching a hair on someones' head. Have I ever killed someones dreams? Killed their spirit with unkind words? Killed their hopes? Killed there effort? Killed their chances of doing well? Killed their confidence? This may seem far fetched to some, but just think of a time when someones words felt like murder to your heart. Or think of a time that you may have had to repent, or seek forgiveness of someone that you know you destroyed with your words, your anger, your selfishness.

I think we are all guilty of  killing/murder in one way or another. This isn't about feeling all guilty or condemnation. I guess for me it's a reminder of the power of the tongue and the power we have. The Bible does say that  " Life and death lie in the power of the tongue.

The other aspect of looking at this commandment is to ask myself, " what am I doing to spread life?" If I refrain from eating junk food, but don't fill my body with healthy food, then am I really taking care of my body? I could go around pointing at junk food and telling people that I don't eat junk, but when asked what I do eat, would I be able to say, " lots of fruits and veggies?" Or would my pride just rest in the fact that I don't eat junk food like everybody else.

I haven't killed anyone! But what do I do with the power that I have? Am I speaking life to people? Encouraging them? Spurring them on to good deeds? Sharing hope? Am I loving people? Or just using all my effort to keep from hating so that I can feel like a good person?

I am challenged by all the commandments in a new way. I see them in a new light. I am not talking about works here, or being better so God will love me. I'm talking about trying to live a purposeful loving, giving life, not just following the rules. Rules get broken. No one can keep the Ten Commandments perfectly, God knows this and he offers grace and forgiveness, hope and peace.

We may not be haters, but isn't there more to us than just who we are not?
What do you want to be known for?
Are you a giver, and encourager, a helper, a dream booster?

Let's consider our ways this week and make that change,
I'm starting with the woman in the mirror, I'm asking her to change her ways, and no message could of been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make that change woo, na, na, na ,na, na, na, na, na, na..... ( Thanks Micheal Jackson)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just in the nick of time!

My youngest son is beautifully stubborn. Some say he's just strong willed. However, when we are in public and he is trying to run the show, he will scream at the top of his lungs until he gets what he wants. I used to just give in, when I couldn't handle it anymore( I know). I have been trying the last few days, to go head to head with him, wait it out, re-establish who's boss. Well, it took 2 hours yesterday before he finally did what I asked him to do, but I held my ground and he eventually obeyed.

It's one thing in the privacy of your own home...and a whole other ball game in public. We were in the grocery store today, needed to quickly pick up a few things. I put my lil guy in the cart, and all was well. I decided to get him a little treat from the bulk food area. He seemed compliant picked out what he wanted, the only problem was, he wanted his choice right then, I gave him one little jelly fruit, the problem was he wanted all of them. I didn't give them to him because they were sold by weight and if he ate them all the  cashier wouldn't be able to charge me.

He began the scream, super loud, standing up in the cart, did I say SUPER LOUD? well, I could not seem to get him to stop and I couldn't give in, we were in day three of establishing who was boss, and I needed to pay for them first. People were staring at me checking down the aisle. I moved to a different aisle trying to hide and get him to quiet down.

I finally took him out of the cart and he was still screaming wanting his treat. At this point, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and eat chocolate, but I'm working on not always trying to escape too. I was praying under my breath, kindly asking God for help, and for my son to stop.

A few minutes later he is still screaming, I feel stuck and at the end of my rope. I look up and this petite older woman comes down the aisle I'm trying to hide in. She comes up to me and let's me know that she can see my son is highly agitated and is inquiring if there is any way she can help. I have to admit, my guard was up big time, I was on the defensive, expecting her to judge my ability to control my son.

I asked her what she thought she could do to help( I was not being super friendly). She said, " I can pray for him!" I have to admit I was shocked by her response. I asked her if she was a Christian, she said that she was. I told her that I would actually really appreciate it, because I was feeling very overwhelmed at the moment. 

So there in the natural foods section of Fred Meyer the three of us stood. I took the moment and closed my eyes while still holding my son, and allowed her to pray for us. My son calmed down, I thanked her and we quickly paid and left the store.

I have never had anything like that happen to me. I needed that moment, as crazy as it was. I needed to see that God was with me, it's good to know he has people all around. We are supposed to be one big family right? It took a lot of boldness for that woman to approach us and to offer prayer. 

Thank you Lord for seeing me in my time of struggle,and extending your grace and peace through a stranger. Give me that same boldness and compassion to respond to those around  me, stranger or kin. Thank you Lord for your kindness towards me, please bless that woman who blessed me, I know you know where she is. I know you know her name, just as you know mine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's okay to be O.K.

Philippians 4:10-13 (New Living Translation)

Paul’s Thanks for Their Gifts
 10 How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned for me, but you didn’t have the chance to help me. 11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ,[a] who gives me strength. 

I've been thinking about the above verse lately. I've been thinking about what it means for me to be content, for me to be o.k. I realize that I can be o.k. with who I am, how I am, what I am. For me being content is not me sticking my head in the mud and saying " this is just who I am, I will always be this way," It's me really looking at myself, my life, my journey thus far. It's me taking inventory of my current situation and looking back down the road to see how far I've come.

Being content is about recognizing what's been done by you, for you, and with you. I know that if I am always looking for who I " want to be" or who I'm "not" then that is a pretty depressing life. In all reality, no one is really ever going to reach perfection on this side of eternity. Being content, being  o.k. with myself is about celebrating the journey thus far, and acknowledging the hard work it took to get here, and giving praise to God for his guidance, and thanking those who have walked alongside me on this journey, up to this point.

Stopping at each milestone and remembering, giving praise, having a heart of gratitude and expectation for the things to come, not just things, but growth, deeper relationships, hard things too, for they bring the best results.( even though they are really tough to go through)

I know that I am not " all I ever want to be right now" however, I am at the same time. I will always be growing and maturing and learning new ways to humble myself, better ways to listen,  more strategic ways to get things done. I will still need to  work on slowing down, keeping focus, and many other things, but that is my point, this life is about growing and learning and being who we are. I firmly believe that it is really important, crucial in fact to my well being to be o.k. with me as is. It's where I start. It's me being real and honest with me.

The honesty free's me up to see where I am and be o.k. with the good, bad and the ugly, but also gives me the opportunity to improve on those things too. I think about my weight loss journey. I think about how I used to believe I would really love myself when I got " skinny", then I would be loveable and somehow that self -love would just automatically turn itself on... I'm not " skinny" yet, in fact I don't know if I will ever be classified as such, but I do know that if I don't love myself now, I won't love myself later. So I love me now, as I am, and I am working on my body, but it has nothing to do with loving me now.

I am learning to be o.k. so I can take time for evaluation, honestly checking myself, honestly giving God praise for who he is in my life and for what he has done, and  being able to celebrate with those who love me along the way.

Whatever situation you find yourself  in today, find something in it to celebrate, find a growing edge, look for a way to encourage someone else. Our life is our life, it isn't about comparing one person's heartache to someone else's heartache. 

We are where we are in this life and that's our starting point, keep  moving forward, I encourage you to celebrate and take joyful inventory along the way, after all, we only have one life to live.

Monday, January 24, 2011

She's slowing down...

I am focusing on slowing down, really seeing people when I look at them, and listening fully. It's amazing the things I see and hear, now that I am giving more of my attention. I feel happy and less stressed. It's been nice not being so particular about every inch of the house being clean, and just letting some things be.

Deciding to take a break from school, was exactly what I needed. Everyone in the family seems to be doing a lot better now. I recently found out that my kids and myself have a lot of  food allergies. In the beginning it was very overwhelming, it was hard to figure out what to eat.

However, now it's not so difficult, we are starting to eat real food again. Most supermarkets don't sell food, they sell convenience and taste, but not real food. I have been making green smoothies for the family every morning and homemade chicken stock, fruit salads, steamed veggies, and much more. The food allergies, have turned into a blessing, because it forces us to eat real food again, we can't go for just taste or convenience anymore.

Everyone is happier, healthier, sleeping better and full of life. I love touching fresh living food and preparing it on a daily basis. I am so thankful we have healthy food to eat.

I am taking life one day at at time, desiring to leave my heart and mind open to God in every way.

I  have not known what to blog lately. I have felt, kinda of empty when it came to typing words, so this is my step back into the world of sharing a little Soul Babble.

Have a wonderful day. Enjoy something nutritious today.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions!

It's a fresh new year. It's time for new experiences, new living, new hope, new dreams, a new attitude. I am thankful for all of last year. I have learned so much and am excited to learn more. I'm thankful for a fresh start, but I realize that I don't need a new year to have a new start.

My son received a gift of some cute little frog rain boots, but he was scared of the eyes on them. I decided to return them or at least exchange them for a different pair. I made my way to Kmart, only to find out that they do not take returns without receipts. The woman told me to try and contact the giver and see if they still had the receipt or to find out if they used their Kmart rewards card. She was sorry, but there was nothing she could do without a receipt. I honestly thought that was a horrible store policy, but I said okay and went about my way, knowing that I was not going to contact the giver or go through all of that.

I have to admit I was a little irritated, couldn't I at least exchange the boots for a pair, my son wasn't scared of? The answer was a simple "no." Of course this had me thinking for a while about policies, and how different Kmart was from other stores, who would take anything and everything back, no questions asked. Most stores at least gave you a store credit, or gift card.

In light of this new year. I am extra thankful that God does not have a Kmart policy. I know that I need God to accept my returns(my sins, issues,) with no questions asked. I need God to take me as I am with all my imperfections. I need God to take my compulsive purchases and take them back, even without a receipt and I need him to take my regrets and dislikes too. I don't have the energy, nor desire to track down the source of all my stuff or give proof of where it came from. I know God already knows my story and why I do what I do. He knows my heart, and he knows your heart too.

God operates under a Nordstrom policy, he takes everything back, he gives new merchandise for old, worn out, outgrown things. He trades beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning, peace for despair  ( Bible paraphrase). He can give a fresh start without the clock hitting midnight. He does it daily for people.  I'm thankful for God's grace, that allows him to see our deficiency and accept us as is.

My new years resolution is to be more open to the life God has given me, to learn to love people better, love myself a little more too. My resolutions are all under the umbrella of being more open to God and his activity in my life and this world. I want to walk in peace and enjoy each day that I am given with the people God has placed around me.  

Happy New Year, many blessings to you!