
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

For God's Girl

There is someone in my life, someone close to me that I love so dearly. I haven't always known how to show her this love. We have had quite the journey together. I spoke with her today, and learned so many new things about her. In this season and for many seasons of her life, her heart and soul have been heavy with sadness. My heart aches for her, and I really don't know what to do except... what I know to do. I know to pray and encourage and to call forth truth even in the darkest hour. I know God sees, and hears, and loves even in the darkness. You know who you are, and God knows where you are. I tell you today, his grace and his love are enough to satisfy your soul.  You belong to him, you have been bought by the blood of Jesus. I pray that hope would fill your heart and peace would corrupt your mind and truth would liberate your soul and that God's love would be so clear to you this day. I love you. And for anyone else out there struggling. Remember "whose" you are, even when you may not always know "who" you are.

God's Girl

You see, you belong somewhere
And it isn't where you currently reside
I'm not talking about your physical address either
I'm talking about your mind, your heart, your soul
You are loved
But your eyes can't see it
And your heart won't believe it
and your mind can't conceive
that it could possible be true

So you look
and wander
and hover
in dark corners
giving up
and in
to all those things
that call your name
but they don't know you like he does
and they can't see you the way he does
and they can't love you
with that kind of love that sticks
to  your bones
like cornbread
you need some hearty love girl
it's here
pure and real
and lasting
a good piece of love that will never ever
lose it's flavor
stay hungry
stay desperate
long enough
to let
this love
God's love
and quench
and bathe
and liberate
your soul
until you find rest in it
and until
you believe
really believe
a sold out
giving up all I have type of belief
believe that you are truly
and without reservation
no take-backs
for real though
and that you are
by name
God's Girl

Charissa Carroll 4/25/2011

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