
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little glimpse of heaven

I am honestly a little overwhelmed with life right now. There is a lot going on around me. It seems too many people I care about are hurting and struggling in one way or another. I am not without my own struggles. It's funny though, when someone around you needs you, it's easy to just put your effort for self-improvement on the back burner. I am realizing I can't do that for too long. I need to try and keep the balance of self-care and helping others.

There will always be "so much" to do, but I am trying to just focus on the basics for now, breathing, sleeping, eating and making sure my husband and kids do too. With my sister being in the hospital, I have tried to be up to see her everyday and sometimes I don't get to see her until pretty late each night, since I want to go up without my kids.

My house has been looking really special lately, the dishes have sat a little too long, and the condiments in the fridge had a tad too much breathing room. The kids teeth need a good flossing and the recycling needs to be taken out. Yes, there are two adults in our house and for the time four kiddos, but the adults have each  been a bit overloaded.

After I came back this morning from dropping the kids off at school, I was still feeling overwhelmed, and didn't even want to try and figure out how to tackle the "to do" list. While sitting in my car a moment, I glanced over our front lawn, and it was seriously in need of a good cut. I didn't need to even peek over the back fence, I already knew it was much too overgrown for a simple lawn mower. I tried to think when I could fit cutting the grass in, and the thought made me tired, since I knew I would end up that way, with all the work and being allergic to cut grass.

Needless to say, I didn't want to do it, but it needed to be done. I took my husband to work, went to get coolant for our car, since it was completely dry and tried to find a few things at the store to create Easter Baskets for my kids, although I quickly realized it wasn't the right time for that, when my two year old, wanted everything he saw.

As I drove up to my house, a little glimpse of heaven awaited me. I couldn't believe my eyes, my heart felt light and my mind felt free. I looked around my yard, and it was beautiful, the grass was cut and the edges were trimmed. I just sat there for a moment thanking God.

I believe in God already, but if I didn't, that moment would have proved to me that He existed and loved me. It was a small thing, but  not really.  Across the street from us, lives a great family with seven kids, the husband is a teacher, and they are such kind, giving people, with a great family and a strong faith. The husband is the one who cut our lawn and it was such a needed blessing, my little glimpse of heaven. It's like God saw my " to do" list and said " I got the lawn" and crossed it off my list. It felt like a gift from God, and to me it was.

Thank you Jesus!

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