
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Conversations Around Race

Our Church has been having a five week session called " Conversations around race" we met together as a large group and then we broke off into ethnic specific groups to have more discussion. Our last meeting had everyone  together again. Each group gave a summary of what they had talked about and learned. We were asked to answer some specific questions. Our group decided to answer our questions poetically. I gathered everyone's notes and tried to answer our questions in a poetic way, keeping it honest, and hopefully capturing the heart of our conversations.

The questions were:
What was one highlight?
What was one challenge your ethnic group faced?
What is one gift of your ethnic group?
How do you view " Power" in light of the Gospel, and God calling us to be willing to lay our power down at times?
What message would you like to share with your brothers and sisters of different ethnic backgrounds/

Here are the responses.


It was all significant in one way or two
It’s difficult to share only one with you
But to keep to the question
And to help keep the rhyme
The reality is… we had a wonderful time!

The Challenge

I can only speak for me
Although “I” am a “We” and “they”
But individually our opinions range
From “yes” to “no”, to “maybe so”
From I’m not sure are you?
But what I speak today is from all of us
And true

It’s our challenge
The thing we see we need to wrestle and manage
Even when we don’t have all the advantage
We know we have this
Our wits and our sense
The ability to get over the fence
And find a way through
Up down or in between
Travel down roads unseen
Until we…
Well… until we know we are where we need to be

We come in all shades
And we have more in common than we sometimes want to admit
Trials have greatly formed who we are today
And for that…
We are stronger
But we are also dispersed
And at times discouraged

We have plenty of strengths in our community
But also weakness
Often in the form of internalized oppression
And it only adds drama it does not lessen
What is eating us up

We challenge ourselves to rethink ourselves
And to redefine who we really are
Based on standards set by ourselves

We cannot base our ability to be or become
On who we are told we are or who we are not
Growth and truth must first reign supreme in our own hearts

Our challenge is to fight the internal battle
And we are fighting it
Daily we must each speak life to ourselves
And to those around us
We must spread this new propaganda of life giving truth!
And remember who we are
And whose we are…

And reassess our assets
So we know
What we bring
And then bring it with confidence
And in doing so better understand
All the God given ability that lies within

We must remember we are all one with each other
Even though we range in shades of color and tone
And were birthed in different places and homes
And speak languages foreign to some
From the African brother
To the light-skinned African-American mother
Some may try to split us up and claim we are not one
But we don’t want to play that game
It isn’t any fun

We are who we are; we will be who we will be this Negro-African-Black-American multi-faceted family!
Yes, still part of the human race
Although sometimes confused in this crowded American space
We challenge those who desire to conquer and divide
Those who encourage black on black oppression, to lessen our pride
We stand strongly and speak of unity
Not just you… not just me… but we
We desire to stand united
But at times we stand divided
And too often… we stand alone

We began, again during this process of conversations around race to
Cause it’s a daily thing
That we are created in the image of God and we are precious in his sight

We are beautiful
We have wisdom and might
And resilience, and passion
And truth to be shared
And wisdom from those who with burdens did bear
But we must share this with the young in our community
And remind the elders too
And whisper it in the ears of babes
So they grow up hearing the truth
We are in this thing together
The race is not yet won
But if we keep on trekking
We shall overcome


All it takes sometimes is one head nod
And you know
Right then
That you belong
That someone sees you
It’s like a secret handshake
A special language
Without words
And we have it
This instant community
On the street
In the grocery store
At that convention on the other side of town where nobody looks like you
Wherever we are
Where two or more gather
Just give the nod
Get the gift


Clouds have it when they thunder down rain
And the sun expresses it when it warms the earth
God gave it when he breathed his breath into Adam
And he gave it to you and I when we exited the womb
We really have it when we lay it down
And it lasts longer when we manage it well
It’s meant to be shared
No Lording over one another
It’s meant to be laid down
And respected
You have just as much power as I do
My pie may be peach and yours apple
But we both have pies
And we both have something to offer
I will give you a slice of mine
And surely you will share with me too
You might just get hooked
Interested in the recipe?
I want to know your secret too
Tell me, if you will
I am powerful by the grace of God
And we are powerful together
Let’s teeter totter our power
So one of us doesn’t end up always on the ground
We must choose to not abuse
And we must be willing to share
Those things meant for sharing
With love, grace, humility, joy
And sometimes dragging our feet
Unto each other
For the good of all
And for the glory of God
(c) Charissa Carroll 2011


When God made humankind
He said we were good
When God confused languages at the Tower of Babel
I’m sure none of them spoke English and he understood them just fine
God sees us and loves us
He sees our dark skin and boasts of the smoothness
And he sees our brown skin and thinks of chocolate
He sees our yellow skin and is reminded of the sun
And he sees our peachy skin and thinks of summer
He sees our white skin and is reminded of the first snow
But he also sees our hearts
And is reminded of why he died
And our brokenness
And our inability to love one another
Because some of us don’t like summer
Or chocolate
Or we prefer sun over snow
But remember
He knows
And he cares
It is his burden to bear
But by his grace
And by his spirit
And because
He told us to
We must learn to love
Not always like
But give love a try
Like learning to ride a bike
And be okay with falling down
And scraping a knee or two
And when you do
When we do
And we see the blood
Let’s remember
The cross and all that is true
Jesus didn’t die for just you
Or me
He died to set us free
From ourselves and our sin
So that love could win

Charissa Carroll 4/14/2011
All rights reserved (c)  2011 Charissa Carroll


Kaila said...

I love your poetry!

Charissa Lee said...

Thank you kaila! I love your profile pic!

kerikana said...

The whole thing was amazing, Charissa. My favorite image was the teeter totter of power-- we're God's kids, and we should play nice with each other, taking turns. Thanks for sharing your gifts!