
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is my life one big snooze?

To snooze or not to snooze that is the question. I usually wake up at 5 am hit snooze, go back to sleep, wake up again at 5:30  hit snooze about three more times and finally get out of bed at 5:45 am. The other day I repeated this cycle past my usual 5:45 am and went all the way until about 6:15 am. At that point I would not make the bus to school, so I dismissed the alarm altogether.  I use my cell phone as my alarm and it has the repetitive snooze button that will go off every five minutes until you dismiss it. It makes me wonder, how useful this type of alarm really is. I mean I can follow it's prompting and wake up at the set time or I can keep on, forever it seems pushing the snooze button, and if that isn't enough I can dismiss the alarm altogether. I usually succumb to the bleep of the alarm and refuse to push the snooze button when I feel the fear. You know that feeling of, " Oh No!" that instantly rouses you from your smooth warm sheets and into the cold atmosphere outside your bedroom ( it's cold because you only heat your room at night to save on the heating bill) and into the " I gotta make it on time" mode. So this snooze button made me think about my life. How many times have I pushed snooze when I should have woken up? Where in my life am I still pushing the snooze button, and where have I dismissed the alarm altogether? I know that for a long time I pushed the snooze button on my weight issues. The diet was dismissed every weekend and the alarm set for Monday, only to push snooze when I was offered cake or, was just so hungry I had to eat the bag of  Dorito's. The snooze button became a regular fixture in my life. It was easier to pretend I was asleep than wake up to the reality that I had a problem that wasn't going to be a quick fix. So here I am painfully aware of my excuses and willing to face them one snooze button at a time.


Cathy Mighell said...

So True! We put off doing things, thinking later . . . and then we look back and the morning - or year - or life - is gone by. Interesting way to look at things, life on the snooze.

Unknown said...

Great insight. It is indeed a habit that many of us get into, a habit that when we stop to think about it feel something was missed - that missed opportunity, and sometimes ultimately those missed extra hours of sleep because we are so busy procrastinating that time slips away from us and we have to work harder later.