
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Meant to last...

It seems every channel I turn to, or every radio station I listen to, has news of tragedy around the world, natural disasters, crime, brokenness on every corner. It makes living in this world rough, and at times depressing. I find hope and sadness in the reality that this world is not all there is. The hope is found in the truth that God created this world, and that he knows how much it can handle, he knows how much we can handle. At times it seems he really tests our limits. If this world was all there was, I would be devastated on a daily basis, but Jesus tells us that this world is not our home, that we are just passing through. I find hope in the truth that God has another place for us, one free of drama.

The sadness comes in the loss of  lives, homes, land, joy, all the things that brokenness and tragedy and natural disasters can steal. The sadness comes in the tears I see streaming down people's faces on the news, or the catch in their throats as they talk about what they have seen. The inability to talk and the look of despair in their eyes when they can only whisper in their hearts what is going on, or can't even begin to find words to capture their experience.

In this crazy -God made world. Even though God made it, sadly it is also subject to brokenness and will not last forever. The only thing, or I should say the only one, who can stand the test of time, who can't be torn down by a hurricane, or blown away by  a tornado, or crumbled by an earthquake... is God. He holds up this world, with tears in his eyes at times, but he still holds us up. To some this world seems void of God and to others, they feel him in the wind. To me, I know he's here and sometimes he seems rough and sometimes he seems as  sweet as a flower, but I know he's here, and he will not abandon us or his world. He is stable, and in that I find hope.

Below is poem I wrote back in 2006 regarding the " Meant to last" quality of God.

Will Not Crumble

The name of the Lord is a strong tower
The righteous run into it and are safe

You, Oh God are a mighty fortress
An ever present help in times of trouble
You stand firm, you do not crumble

You, my Lord are water in the desert
Sun in the winter
Bread for my hungry soul
You stand firm
You do not crumble

You, my sweet, sweet Jesus are like honey to my lips
And oil to my dry flesh
You melt the hearts of men
You are steadfast
You stand firm, you do not crumble

My God is a strong tower
A Mighty fortress
A steady help in times of need
Sweet like honey to my lips
Oil to my weathered flesh
Living water to my thirsty spirit

My Lord is righteous and holy
And willing to love all the day long
My God is faithful and real
And able to stand firm
He does not crumble

My sweet, sweet Jesus is sweeter than sweet
And gentle
And the King of my heart
This world
My life
His universe
And he is here
And always
He is who He is

Charissa Carroll

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