
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dear Japan...

Dear Japan,

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. When I heard about what happened to you, my heart broke. I can't imagine how scary it all must have been, how scary it still is. I am so sorry for the lives you have lost; your mother's, Father's, sister's, brother's, your children, your relatives.

My heart aches for you. I wish I could be there to help. I know things may look and feel  hopeless right now, but be encouraged, the world sees what's has happened. And you will not be forgotten.

I pray that the God of all peace will give  you peace. I pray that the God of all comfort will comfort you. I pray the God of all help will come to your aid. I pray the God of all restoration will restore what has been destroyed. I pray for your protection from the radiation. I pray for provision. I pray for warmth. I pray that all your needs will be met.

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and praying for you. I am not there to offer any aid, but I offer what I can to you today. My prayers and encouragement. Praying for a better tomorrow, praying for a restored Japan.

May God bless you in every way,


Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm guilty...

I think it's easy sometimes to " not do" something and feel very proud of ourselves. It's easy to see someone doing something wrong and pat ourselves on the back because we haven't done that thing. Sometimes  it seems  easier to abstain from things that seem wrong rather than participate in things that seem right.

I'm thinking of the Ten Commandment in the Bible. They tell us what " not to do", but they in the same command also tell us what "to do". We were talking about the Ten Commandments in Sunday school last week with some of the youth at church.

I grew up knowing what the Ten Commandments were and tried to honor them. I never really thought they were much more than rules to remind me of what "not to do." This Sunday, I realized they were more than just rules telling me what not to do, they were also commands of what to do.

I'm thinking specifically of the command  " Do not kill/Murder". I can say with in all honesty that I have never murdered anyone...physically. However, murder/killing is more than just a physical thing. There are plenty of ways to kill without touching a hair on someones' head. Have I ever killed someones dreams? Killed their spirit with unkind words? Killed their hopes? Killed there effort? Killed their chances of doing well? Killed their confidence? This may seem far fetched to some, but just think of a time when someones words felt like murder to your heart. Or think of a time that you may have had to repent, or seek forgiveness of someone that you know you destroyed with your words, your anger, your selfishness.

I think we are all guilty of  killing/murder in one way or another. This isn't about feeling all guilty or condemnation. I guess for me it's a reminder of the power of the tongue and the power we have. The Bible does say that  " Life and death lie in the power of the tongue.

The other aspect of looking at this commandment is to ask myself, " what am I doing to spread life?" If I refrain from eating junk food, but don't fill my body with healthy food, then am I really taking care of my body? I could go around pointing at junk food and telling people that I don't eat junk, but when asked what I do eat, would I be able to say, " lots of fruits and veggies?" Or would my pride just rest in the fact that I don't eat junk food like everybody else.

I haven't killed anyone! But what do I do with the power that I have? Am I speaking life to people? Encouraging them? Spurring them on to good deeds? Sharing hope? Am I loving people? Or just using all my effort to keep from hating so that I can feel like a good person?

I am challenged by all the commandments in a new way. I see them in a new light. I am not talking about works here, or being better so God will love me. I'm talking about trying to live a purposeful loving, giving life, not just following the rules. Rules get broken. No one can keep the Ten Commandments perfectly, God knows this and he offers grace and forgiveness, hope and peace.

We may not be haters, but isn't there more to us than just who we are not?
What do you want to be known for?
Are you a giver, and encourager, a helper, a dream booster?

Let's consider our ways this week and make that change,
I'm starting with the woman in the mirror, I'm asking her to change her ways, and no message could of been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make that change woo, na, na, na ,na, na, na, na, na, na..... ( Thanks Micheal Jackson)