
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have missed blogging. It has been too long. In fact I have barely written anything over the last few months. I have been over subscribed. I just spent the last precious fifteen minutes clearing out my email. Over time, I have subscribed to too many things, people, activities, email notifications. I have wanted to unsubscribe for some time, but have been too busy, and honestly the thought of going through each email and figuring out if I wanted to keep the subscription felt like too much work.

However, I just did it, and it was worth every second. I just organized my email and it looks neat, and I may actually be able to respond in a timely manner to a new email. The junk is gone. I can see clearly now, no more credit card, singles (even though I'm married... weird) last chance, weekend only sale-ads popping up on my screen ( well it takes at least 48 hours for some unsubscribing actions to kick-in) but soon enough.

My life is unfocused right now. I need to focus. I want to focus. I don't want to focus. I feel a little torn at times. Sometimes, I want to live in the in-between. The place of I care, and I don't. I want to take huge leaps towards my dreams and goals, and at the same time, I want to lay low and just be.

I am oversubscribed to junk in my life. Things that steal my motivation and keep me from moving in positive directions. I have been over subscribed to excuses, self-pity, complaining, ungratefulness and plenty more. I am choosing to unsubscribe to the things that waste my life. The things that waste my talent. The things that waste my time, energy, and dull my living. I want to pay closer attention to detail,and live in the moment. I want to embrace my life and live it well. I want my heart to burst with love. I want laughter to fill my mouth. I want to see my own dimples in my cheeks more often. Too often my mouth smiles, but my eyes remain the same. A real smile begins with the eyes.

I will admit, it's a struggle. It's much easier to just let things be.Change is difficult. Change, changes things and then the rhythm must be found again. I'm ready to dance to a new beat, my feet have been ready for a while, but my heart has been holding back. I see my " want to" it's hovering above my head, encouraging me to jump for it, and I look down and lo' and behold, I am standing on a trampoline. Who knew? So I jump up and my " want to" embraces me and I cling to it.

Today I begin to live my first day of subscribing to life,and letting the subscriptions of junk be on their way. I will remember that it takes a while for the old to be gone, but I press on, planting flowers, where there once were only weeds. The garden of my soul is being tended too.

Check out your subscriptions in this life and see if you may need a little weeding. Here's a trampoline for your jump, cause your "want to" is right there for the grabbing. God bless your journey.

1 comment:

Geralyn said...

Good advice - and well-written as always:)