
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gracious Grace, poetically speaking

I've tried really hard most of my life to be perfect. They call people like me perfectionists. I have failed most of my life at being perfect. They call people like me imperfect. I don't try to be perfect anymore. I have actually been liberated from the desire. I don't think it's about perfection anyway, I used to. I believe it's about intent, the intention of our hearts. I know some people still believe that God has given us the ability to be perfect on this side, and I will have to, from experience respectfully disagree. He has given us the ability to be intentional and that with desire makes a pretty good team. I desire to honor God with my whole life. It is my daily desire and I am intentional about it. However, I also have days where I am not so intentional and my desire is sleeping. I find peace in knowing that God sees my heart, even when my actions don't always line up with my original intent. I call it grace. Below is a poem I wrote earlier this year about life, sin, and Gods Grace.

Gracious Grace

You and me, and that crook-ed tree
all meant to be straight, following the path
from the narrow gate.

She ain't supposed to be selling her body to anybody!
And he ain't supposed to be filling his veins with liquid death!
And I ain't supposed to be stressing this heart with these excess pounds of fat!
And they ain't supposed to be sexually amiss!
And he ain't supposed to be tripping as he walks down the street intoxicated!

So wait, let's see! How are we supposed to be?
He knew, He knows, He saw, He sees
that we can and do as we please
that deep down if we look around, it will be found
in our pockets, on our sleeves, on the ground, in the eaves...

It grows  with the fierceity of  Morning Glory, it's subtle
and pretty, not even thorny, it's sleek
it hides among the flowers, deceitful, it slowly grows
for hours and days, slowly creeping up windows

Because He knew, He knows, He saw, He sees
we don't have to be-
condemned by our weeds
we try to be perfect, we fail, we can't!
it's in our blood, we're natural deviants

Rebellious,, unable, sinful, impure.
The Cure?
He in his glory, sent down his son
He died on the cross
for everyone

The freedom is ours for the taking
there is no line, no ticket, no waiting
come as you are; crooked, dirty, fat, drunk, gay,
even if you sell your body everyday

On level ground, we all kneel before the Lord
He cleanses and washes lives-He restores

In perfection He loves us
in brokenness we love him back
fighting our own demons
trying to keep sin off our back

Wanting to " do right,"
leading, "doing wrong"
in humility we offer him our song

In him there  is no condemnation
His blood covers every sin-sation
and it reaches to every nation
seeps through every crack
can dismantle
the sin on our back

In the end at least on this side
we will struggle with sin and anger
with pride and lust
battle our bodies and minds
aim for peace and be way behind

So if you are without sin
cast at me the first stone
and then cast one at yourself
and it will be plain to see
we all walk around scratched and dirty

because of

G ods
R eedeming
A ttitude
C easeless
E ternal
we will not be consumed by the inferno
His blood is enough
No additives necessary

So in imperfection, and brokenness we serve our God
In humility, in love
we bring him our junk
and our funk
and He loads it
on a truck
and drives away to the dump, deep as the sea
Bumper sticker proclaiming : You are Free!

By Gods gracious grace we can stand
and be.. truly imperfect and wholly redeemed.

Charissa Carroll 2010


Anonymous said...

I like your blog, Charissa! This poem is really good.

Charissa Lee said...

Thank you. Thanks for taking the time to read it.