
I hope you enjoy this blog. It's a new outlet for me. My intent is to encourage, inspire and help us all think a little deeper about our journey in this life. I plan on keeping it real and sharing what's on my heart for the day. Enjoy and God bless you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The thief... and my smile

I don't know who
I can't say why
but I know
I wanted to cry
to come on home
with kids in tow
and see a big broken window
the glass was shattered
and my heart was hurt
they left footprints of mud and dirt
the computer was gone
and so was the Mp3
but thank God no harm came to my family
this is life
the good and the bad
however, I have peace
and for that I'm glad
so until a new computer I get
I will have to temporarily quit blogging
but just for a while
the thief took many things
but he didn't get my smile

until later,


1 comment:

Rachel GA said...

I love reading your stuff! You are talented, my friend. I miss you...